Check Intention Behind Every Action - Isha Vidya


Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Check Intention Behind Every Action

From today and from this moment start checking the intention behind every action of yours. You will realise that your mind is drowning you. It even takes you to places  where there is no water available and still drowns you. Your mind will drown you even in a desert. You can drown in a river or pond but this mind can make you drown even in the desert. It can drown you even in a place where there isn't a single drop of water and this is because we have no awareness of our mind.

If you want to get some furniture made in your home, why do you want to get this done? Do you want comfort or do you want to prove that you are also someone to be noticed?  Check every intention in your mind. You will come to know that your mind is fooling you and has been fooling you. Till today your mind has been fooling you and you are willingly getting fooled. 

Rishi Vidhyadhar

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